What’s your Annual Cost to Delay taking action?

Formula: (Facilities * Avg. Elec * 12 * Savings(10-20%)) / (Net Profit)

Does it cost me money if I don’t take action? YES!

Annual Cost to Delay: $ *

Revenue Needed to Generate One Dollar in Profit: $ **

Revenue Dollars Needed to compensate for doing nothing: $ ***

Click to Switch: Currently based on conservative savings (10% Off)

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You may not use letters. Only numbers and decimal points (periods). Thanks

% (percentage)

First, enter the number of facilities that you have (in our example we entered 3). Second, enter your average spend on electricity per facility (in our example we entered $3,000). Finally, enter your organization’s “net profit margin” (as you can see, we entered 5%). You can enter numbers that have a decimal – such as 2.5% for “net profit margin”.
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Click to Switch: Currently based on conservative savings (10% Off)

Your Annual Cost to Delay Taking Action: $ *

Your Revenue Needed to Generate One Dollar in Profit: $ **

Your Revenue Dollars Needed to compensate for doing nothing: $ ***

Do Something About It »

* Formula for Annual Cost to Delay taking action: (Facilities x Avg. Elec x 12 x Savings(10% to 20%))
** Formula for Revenue Needed to Generate $1 Profit: ($1 ÷ (profit margin))
*** Formula for Annual Revenue Needed: (Facilities x Avg. Elec x 12 x Savings(10% to 20%)) ÷ (Net Profit)